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The Origin - The All that Is - The Source of Creation
The Original source of creation is called the Great Mystery by Native Americans.
Great Mystery, called "SwenIjo" in our tongue, cannot be limited and is the creator of the Great Spirit. Many Native people also call upon the Great Spirit when praying; however these are two different things in our Teachings and each holds a special and different place in our beliefs. - be prepared this path may go deeper than you are ready to travel. |
The Great Mystery lives in everything, is everything and encompasses everything in creation. Being the
Original source of Creation, Great Mystery created all things in beauty, harmony and interdependence. Each facet of creation was, is and always will be. The forms may change, the names too, but the energy of creation is self-regenerative and eternal. Inside of this infinite Creation that is the Great Mystery, there is a Vibral Core, or a primal unified energy source, that is called Great Spirit, or the creative principle. The two are quite different. Both Great Mystery and Great Spirit are individually complete, unique and independant of each other.
Great Mystery created Great Spirit to direct the creative flow of the Uniworlds, which includes all of the
universes, all levels of consciousness, all understanding, all dreamtime and all life. The key for seekers who wish to know the answers of the void is that Great Mystery does not need to be solved! Just as we explore and discover the Mystery further, we learn that more is created and allowed to evolve. Trying to figure out all the answers to the Great Mystery is as foolish as it is impossible, because we are a part of that infinite, ever-evolving, progressive creation ourselves.
These concepts were alien to the Boat People (the first white men) that first came to Turtle Island (the
Americas). When these White Eyes began to understand the languages of the Native Americans and tried to conceptualize Indian understandings regarding Great Mystery and the Great Spirit, the limits of their religions blocked their paths to knowing. The white idea of GOD was rather primative in that most Europeans believed that GOD was more or less human with many extra or supernatural abilities. The Red Races were far more expansive and all encompassing in their own views of the Original Source of Creation. Native Americans had been taught through more than a hundred thousand years of oral history that all of creation and each individual life-form was an expression of and contained the energies of the Great Mystery. A part of Great Mystery lives in everything and knows no boundaries or limits, it is the very fabric upon which all we percieve, conceive of and dream about is weaved. Every life-form has free will to co-create with the Original Source in beauty and truth or in ugliness and dispair, and which path we as individuals should choose to take, is purely of our own direction.
The Eastern Tribes of Native America tried to communicate the understanding of the Great Mystery
without success to the French Trappers who were among the first to learn sign language and some Native tongues. The concept of all life coming from the Thought World, which is the Spirit World, then being manifested in physical forms on the Earth Mother were not easily or clearly understood. Since these concepts were limited by the Christian backgrounds of the settlers, the Original Source, the Great Mystery was interpeted by these Boat People as one "Great Spirit" equal to the White Eye's idea of thier own divine "GOD". The old joke among many of the Native People is that according to the White Man's understanding, "in the beginning was the word... and it was misunderstood."
This misunderstanding of Great Mystery was handed on to desendants of the Red Races when they
were FORCED to leave behind their Native Tongue and Spiritual Beliefs and were designated to the various religious institutions and placed in boarding schools for reform and "civilizing". The unfortunate use of Great Spirit as the term for all of the Great Mystery has created a limited use of Native Wisdom even among some Native Americans unto this day.
Every life-form has one common mission as well as their individual ones. Each life here (be two-legged,
four legged, crawler, flyer, swimmer or otherwise) is created to learn to be an equal contributor to the beauty of the whole. The purpose of the common mission is to discover who YOU are, why YOU are here, what YOUR talents are and how YOU can use them to assist and benefit the whole. The mission of discovery is the Sacred Path of Beauty that allows all living things, every living creature to express uniquness in a way that exemplifies harmony and truth.
The human race is the only one of All Our Relations that has lost the inner-knowing about its purpose.
The two-leggeds have been given much assistance by the Great Mystery and the Great Spirit, since they must answer the questions of the common mission before understanding the value of their own individual paths. This assistance comes in the form of teachers who are All Our Relations; from humble folk like myself, from your dog or cat, the bird in the tree outside your window, the clouds overhead, the rain.. everything in all you can see, hear, smell, taste and touch holds some small part to the answer you seek - if only you choose to open up to their messages.
The common misunderstanding that frightened the missionaries who came to "save" the Native
Americans was that the Red Race was a pagan race. I suppose since American Indians did not acknowledge "Jesus Christ", the common consensus was that the Red Race was primative, savage and pagan in orientation. From the Native point of view, the Great Mystery is ALL. The aspects of creation that are manifested by Great Mystery are sacred parts of the whole that are here to serve and be honored in that service. Native Americans do not worship idols, but rather use sacred medicine objects (fetishes if you will) of their Totems as reminders of the Relations assisting in their own evolution on this EarthWalk. They also did not see the point of conflict over what each individual chose to "name" his or her own "Great Mystery".
The Red Race sees the Great Mystery as the life-force, in all that is known as and called creation and
not as some angry or jealous, beneviolent or omniscient god. The Great Spirit is seen as an unlimited creative force within the Great Mystery that feeds all of creation, all the time. Nothing in Native American Teaching, in the Wisdom's of the Red Races, limits Great Mystery or Great Spirit to gender, form, color, texture, or intent - to do so would be to try to humanize a spiritual essence and is totally and completely contradictive.
All creations are a part of Great Mystery's whole, just as every living cell in the human body has a
different function and yet together makes up the carbon combustion unit that houses a unique spirit and an eternal soul, each with a very individual identity. All human ideas are birthed from the spirit inside the human body, fed to the brain, and then acted upon through the will of the total being. All ideas in creation come from Great Mystery, are gathered by Great Spirit, adn then are used to feed the rest of creation. To limit the power of creation in ourselves or others is purely a HUMAN concept. If we acknowledge the limitlessness of Great Mystery, we must acknowledge that this life-force is also a part of our own makeup because we are created by, contain and evolve within that same Original Source. |